Hong Kong Mission Trip October 21-31, 2010

Welcome to Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hong Kong Mission Blog. Redeemer is preparing to share the love of Jesus Christ to people across the globe! This mission trip will be teaching English in a Lutheran High School.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plans and dreams

October seems so far away right now, it's almost like a dream. But what we do right now, our plans, are am important part of this mission. The time we spend in Hong Kong is only a brief portion of this trip. Only 8 of us are going, but it takes a whole community, a large support group, to make it possible. We are the body of Christ reaching out, in this case to the other side of the world.
Bill and I have decided that we will be staying in Hong Kong and being part of another team from St. Louis that is coming 4 days later. They did not have enough team members and were in danger of cancelling their trip. We are thinking that while we are on that side of the ocean, and have the time flexibility, let's do it.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." I have felt a desire to go to Hong Kong for years. Even though this trip was planned when I was still undergoing chemotherapy, I was ready to sign up in an instant. I'm ready to do whatever the Lord sets before me. He'll have to provide me the health necessary to accomplish it, if it is truly his will. Including the ability to tolerate a 16 hour plane flight! I am the oldest one on this team!

"I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

God's Mission in Hong Kong

Redeemer Lutheran Church is blessed to be able to serve alongside the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod at a local Lutheran school. 80% of the Hong Kong Synod schools’ student population and 40% of the staff do not have a relationship with Christ. Our team has a great opportunity through English classes to share our hope and faith in Christ with the students and their families.

Our mission team will teach classes, lead assemblies, visit students’ homes and help with after school activities. While serving in these capacities, we are encouraged to share about our faith and teach from the Bible. During family visits and after school activities we ask that you pray with us that the Holy Spirit may provide us the opportunity to share our faith one on one.

Our team would like to invite you to serve alongside us. God has blessed us in many ways and has called us all to respond to God’s mission. We need your support to make this happen. Most importantly we need your prayers. Other needs include volunteering as we prepare and return from the trip, financial support, and/or joining future mission teams.

Please contact Pastor Eric Kolonich at: pastorkolonich@redeemermanty.com if you would like to help our mission in any way.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hong Kong Mission Team 2010

(Left to right) Front: Dawn Horswill, Beth Groddy, Nicole Densow 
Back: Roberta and Bill Hilgendorf, Basil Buchko, Jennifer and Pastor Eric Kolonich