Hong Kong Mission Trip October 21-31, 2010

Welcome to Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hong Kong Mission Blog. Redeemer is preparing to share the love of Jesus Christ to people across the globe! This mission trip will be teaching English in a Lutheran High School.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Bryn Welcenbach gave a presentation before the church service yesterday telling about the mission field in Hong Kong. I know how impressed I was with her presentation and obviously many others were as well since we had our first meeting after church for a tentative October 2011 team.  If you would like more information or would like to support Bryn here is the link http://blog.lcmsworldmission.org/2009/04/01/from-geo-missionary-bryn-welcenbach-in-macau/
Keep praying for Bryn that she meets her financial goals which will enable her to return to Hong Kong and serve.

Keep all in prayer as they deliberate their journey in the mission field  for the October 2011 Hong Kong trip.